Persecution of American Christians » Eagle Rising

The progressive members of the elite society that has control of most of the US educational and political landscape has morphed into a Christian hating group of bigots.

Don’t buy the kool-aid and you won’t have to drink it!

Persecution of American Christians » Eagle Rising.

Is Europe Cracking Up?

It appears the Nationalism is erupting in European Nations and will soon forge a fight against the rise of islam.

“The National Front has arrived as a major independent force — a political force both at the national and local levels,” declared Le Pen.

No one is arguing the point. Indeed, a measure of panic has set in for the socialist party of Francois Hollande, which is calling on all parties to unite against FN candidates.


Is Europe Cracking Up? – Patrick J. Buchanan – Official Website.

Ann Coulter: Still Full of It

Anyone that believes the election happens on election night is bathed in the proverbial kool-aid.  The real election happens at the level of the local party who determines the best, in our case, Conservative, candidate.  As a local committeeman myself, I am sickened by the politics that allow the seating elected to enjoy no primary.  As if that elected is so immune to a real look at their record.  I often hear “we need to keep the seat”, “he/she is so electable”, “they have plenty of money”….  It goes on forever.

These so-called “Conservative” media types are only entrepreneurs, caring only about their stash.

THIS is why “WE the PEOPLE” must engage the politicos in their arena.  Once we have defeated them, then, we can elect TRULY CONSERVATIVE Candidates.

Ann Coulter: Still Full of It |


Russia May Retaliate Sanctions By Demanding Payment For Exports In Gold

It is my understanding that Russia has significant dollars in reserve that could easily be sold into the market.  I have been talking about the velocity of money and the return of dollars to the US.  With this occurring we will see the price of many commodities, especially gold and $ilver rising significantly.

Russia May Retaliate Sanctions By Demanding Payment For Exports In Gold |

John Williams: Gold Now, Russia-US Dollar and Hyperinflation

Hope you are getting ready for ALL the dollars that will be flowing back into our economy.  When that velocity picks up and most of the world is dumping dollars, what then?  I say, Gold and $ilver for one, ammo for another and even whiskey are great for trading and bartering for what you need to survive.

Don’t look for the U.S. dollar as the safe haven because Williams says, “Historically the dollar has been the safe haven in a political or financial crisis, but that hasn’t been the case for four or five years now.  Instead, what you have seen is a flight to other traditional safe havens such as gold and the Swiss Franc.  The dollar has lost its magic.  Nobody wants to hold it.  So, if the Russians follow through and convince the rest of the world that they are going to do it and it looks like China may join them, a lot of countries will want to dump dollars and get out ahead of the crowd.”  

John Williams: Gold Now, Russia-US Dollar and Hyperinflation | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.

The Fascist Danger in Ukraine. Resurgence of Neo-Nazism Denied by Western Media

Looks like the NWO is brewing another fascist government that can evolve into the Nazi monster that was once defeated.  Again we have a complicit western media non-reporting of the actual situation on the ground in the Ukraine.

The reality is that, for the first time since 1945, an avowedly anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi party controls key levers of state power in a European capital, courtesy of US and European imperialism. The unelected Ukrainian government, headed by US appointee Arseniy Yatsenyuk, includes no fewer than six ministers from the fascist Svoboda party.

The Fascist Danger in Ukraine. Resurgence of Neo-Nazism Denied by Western Media | Global Research.